Thursday, March 12, 2009


This year my friend Karin (pronounced Car-in, not like Karen) is running her rookie year of the Iditarod. I knew she was good, but right now she is in the lead for Rookie of the Year (first rookie to Nome) and is keeping pace with mushers who have five to ten years of Iditarod behind them.

Rich and I handled for her at the two race starts. For those of you not familiar with the Iditarod, they have a ceremonial start in Anchorage, and an official re-start at the beginning of the trail out in Willow, Alaska the next day. The race is 1,000 or so miles over some of Alaska's roughest terrain, and it's no place for a beginner. Every Iditarod rookie usually has years and years of mushing experience behind them before they attempt the big race. Go to if you want all the details, or visit for the latest news updates and stories from the trail. Karin's kennel page is check the News section for the updates.
Enjoy the pictures!

This photo is from the Anchorage Daily News, and shows Karin charging into Takotna - look how happy and fresh her dogs look after 400 miles :)

Karin at the ceremonial start, with her official bib.

The ever supportive and wonderful husband of Karin, Varan. He really is the glue that holds the team together.

Karin's live-in dog handler Irene, who made a big change by coming here. Before sled dogs she worked with big cats in a wildlife rescue park in Ecuador.

Our friends Paulster and Sarah, who came down and happily fell into the black hole that is the Iditarod. Fortunately for Paul beer ended up being involved.

I think this is Cerveza, if it isn't Cerveza, it's Luna :) They are sisters, hard to tell sometimes. I held Cerveza back at the restart.

Karin telling us part time handlers what to do!

Huskies howling because they want to goooooooooooo! Nooooooooooooowwwwwww!!!!

Downtown Anchorage all decked out for the big event.

Rich and Karin's lead dog Scooby. Rich was a good handler for Scooby, kept him from pulling us all over the place. Scooby is much bigger than the rest of the team, by about 20 pounds.

Rich holding onto Scooby and Chase as we 'line out' prior to walking to the start. If the handlers didn't hold them back the dogs would just dig in and start running.

Rich and I on the tiny school bus to Willow for the restart on Sunday. Parking is, hmm, terrible. So we rode the shuttle. Which was also, hmmm, terrible.

Strange fur hats and wild wooly coats are the preferred costume during Iditarod. Sarah is modeling the 'Racoon' it has beady glass eyes. Very creepy.

And then we run into our very own mountain man from Wrangell, Jeff. Why he's wearing that coat only he knows! He said it was to attract the ladies. I'm guessing he meant lady grizzlies.

Karin's trail boots, ready for her to get in them and go TO NOME!

A weirdly Alaskan picture, these wolf hides were hung up for sale on the playground equipment at Willow Elementary, where the restart is. Notice the kids playing in the background and totally not caring about the hides hanging up? Love our state!

There goes Mackey, everyone's favorite. We ALL want him to win again. He's such a nice guy, and his dogs are pretty spectacular. GO #47!!!

The start, we had to obey the stop and go signs as handlers, letting the team walk, or stopping it. Harder than it sounds. 16 dogs are really, really strong, especially with four feet to our two!

This is Barbara and I after Karin took off for Nome. Barbara is from Italy, but spent the last four years in American Samoa, and came up to help her friend Karin. Needless to say we got along great and are friends now too!

And this last shot is of WSU (pronounced Wazoo) who is the friendliest and prettiest sled dog. She's a pet for most of the year, but this is her third trip all the way to Nome. Performance athlete AND face licker!!

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