Monday, October 13, 2008

Gorgeous Saint George

I really loved Saint George. The birds were still here, and I picked salmon berries and saw all sorts of wonderful things. I kept pinching myself to see if it was all real.

Overlooking one of the cormorant and puffin rookeries
Guess where the pot of gold is?
A great black sand beach. Great weather too!
The volcanic rock was spectacular here. Very cubist in design and structure

I couldn't get over the beauty inside this urchin shell. A quilt may come from this picture...

Tiny fox feet crisscross this island. We saw smoky blue and brilliant white foxes.

Hundreds of gulls nest along this beach
A cave! Just like in Swiss Family Robinson. This whole island reminded me of that favored childhood story.
A Holey Rock
Not the best year for Salmon Berries according to our local friends, but we found (and ate) some nonetheless.

Russian Orthodox graves in the sunlight

The church all decked out for a special holiday with lights and tolling bells calling everyone to worship
A scoundrel! He/She just stole some seal vomit and was rushing away with their mouth full.
Just in case you land along the beach and don't know where you are, link up to your on board wireless and go to there isn't any wireles....
Hundreds and hundreds of birds. It was easier to tell them apart by how they flew then by their color.

Vast puffin rookeries
Seabird feathers from fox kills
Can you see the cormorant perched along the cliff edge? to his left you can just make out two cute puffins hugging the cliffs.
These stacked stones were all over the island. I found out that they are ancient navigation aids from before there were roads. Apparently when the island gets fogged in telling direction is very difficult, so at the top of every hill are groups of stones that somehow tell you which way north is. Some of the stone groupings refer to village sites that aren't there any more, so it was confusing, and the guy explaining it to me said his grandfathers generation were the last to actually use the stones.

Our really nice hotel. Seriously the nicest rural Alaskan hotel I have ever stayed in.

See? Check out this sweet room?!

My chariot awaits
Saint George is a great community


Heike said...

What exactly is your job Shannon? I think I might want it :)

Liz said...

Thanks for sharing! That fox picture was cute. And the rocks and puffins to.

J-Bombay said...

These are some great photos. Very pretty out there. I need to stop looking at all of these--it is making me miss Alaska even more...